Resilience and sustainability starts with community -join us!

We believe in the power of people. We’re helping to create a caring and connected community, we want to protect and enhance our local environment, and to be prepared for natural disasters.

By supporting local neighbourhoods, community groups and businesses, we can create resilience and ensure sustainable options for everyone.

We are looking for street leaders for every street in Pottsville, to help their neighbours in future disaster events. Are you that person, or do you know someone who is? Sign up here for more information.

Are you passionate about the environment?  Perhaps you are concerned about climate change or pollution? Or maybe you would simply like to protect and enhance this beautiful part of the world that we call home? We would love to hear your ideas for making Pottsville a more sustainable community. Subscribe to our mailing list today!

Pottsville CRT

To help prepare for floods, bushfires and other natural disasters, we have created the Pottsville Community-led Resilience Team (CRT).  

Community Recycling

We fully support the Reduce, Reuse, Recycle ethos. Reducing how much we consume and reusing unwanted items are crucial steps.

Future Projects

There’s a lot we are interested in pursuing as our team grows… click through for a few of our current ideas