About US

Together Pottsville was formed in 2021 and aims to foster a caring, sustainable and resilient community here in Pottsville, NSW.

We meet at the Corner Stop Cafe at 6am on the first Friday of each month, you are most welcome to join us! If you’d like to reach out for a quiet cuppa instead, just send us email and one of us will meet you for a chat.

To date we have:

  • Established the Pottsville Community-Led Resilience Team (CRT), which is a key Together Pottsville project
  • Established the Pottsville Recycling Hub at St Marks Anglican Church in Pottsville where you can drop off hard-to-recycle items
  • Coordinated the Simply Cups coffee cup recycling project, where we are collecting disposable coffee cups at St Ambrose Primary School and Black Drop Café to ensure they don’t end up in landfill
  • Held a number of community workshops and information sessions
  • Run rubbish clean-ups